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We think the specific feature you tried finding is not yet available while in Beta. We are working hard in the background to bring you the ultimate study abroad hub.
Live - get exploring!
Forum - create and join discussions
Groups - connect with likeminded others
Blog - inspiring and insightful posts
Reviews - from past, real students!
Community - connect & chat with others
Member login and personal dashboard
Epic student offers from our fav brands
Under construction - coming soon!
Discover country and region profiles
Global study abroad provider profiles
Greater personalisation and support
AI Wizard to answer all your questions!
Study abroad guides, resouces & events
Student accommodation finder
Partner education consellors & agents
We'll notify you of new feature releases as soon as they are live, so sign-up today!
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Live Features...
Create and join engaging discussions with other past, ongoing and future exchange students.
Similar to our forum, create and join groups to stay connected with like-minded students such as those going to the same destination as you!
Read posts from previous exchange students or those curated by our team for tips, tricks and any related stories and ideas around exchange.
Discover and read reviews from previous exchange students to help you decide what country, university and if exchange is right for you
Social Media
Check out our Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, Linkedin and YouTube accounts to stay up to date. Give them a follow! More content coming!
Member Login/Chat
Keep up to date with comments, posts, likes and notifications in your member dashboard. Also, discover and chat with other site members!
Coming Soon...
Country Profiles
Discover and learn about different countries including what makes them unique and what past students have said about their experience.
University Profiles
Discover and learn about different universities including what makes them unique and what past students have said about their experience.
In addition to our forum, groups, blog, reviews and social media resources, we aim to provide guides and lists for tips, tricks and ideas.
The current membership section will be given a boost to allow for further personalisation based on your home and host university/destination.
Frequently Asked Questions
While every exchange situation will require a different answer, some questions remain similar so we want to provide FAQ section to help.